eating clean is hard

Posted: 19 September, 2015 in The Journey

in this country of food, eating clean is hard…

but to get that V and Packs on the Tummy, you are looking at clean diet. many people mistake that diet means eating less, actually its about eating right. here are just some examples:
– no fried food.
– minimize processed food.
– correct amount of carbs.

i feel that one most important aspect of weight loss is dinner time where most people will be resting and heavy dinner or supper will mean carrying those excess calories to bed.

this is my supper…

some very small mix cereal & oats from three types of products just to add to the crunchiness and low fat milk. i sometimes rotate between dutch lady fresh milk to farm fresh low fat milk.


milk is alkaline and i use it to suppress the acid in my stomach. it works around 2 hours but by then i am usually asleep.

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